Frequently asked questions

  • Kundalini energy is the ultimate life force energy.
    It is the source of our creative power, spiritual gifts and feminine energy.

    During a Life Expansion Kundalini Activation session, this energy is activated and works to release stagnant energies, emotional and mental blockages and realign energy channels.

    LEKA can be the next step on your personal development / spiritual journey, or it can be the start to it.
    Everyone has different experiences during the sessions but it is likely you will feel calmer, more connected and see things with more clarity.

  • YES!
    Experienced or not, the best way to show up for a LEKA session is with a beginner’s mind.

    If you are sensitive to this energy it has nothing to do with experience, LEKA is a transmission, not a practice.
    All you have to do is to relax and have an open mind.

    It's about feeling, not knowing.

  • Ideally, do not eat at least 2 hours before the session and avoid caffeinated drinks (thus you will be more receptive to the energy)

    Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely (joggers, leggings, shorts, yoga clothes, etc.)

    Try to be in a state of peace and compassion before starting the session.

    For an ONLINE session:

    This practice requires privacy, so please allow yourself some private space and make sure you won't be interrupted.

    Prepare a yoga mat or rug or a comfortable flat surface.

    Prepare a blanket in case you get cold during the session.

    Prepare a sleep mask if it facilitates your inner journey.

    Please arrange the yoga mat and webcam at least 5 minutes beforehand and sign in to ZOOM at the arranged time or earlier.

    Make sure your camera and microphone are working properly.

    Make sure your device is fully charged and you have a good internet connection.

  • Most people will experience an activation during their session with varying degrees.
    Although it’s rare, some people do not experience any activity.

  • The online sessions are not much different to the in-person sessions.
    Some people are more comfortable to relax and receive the energy in a in person setting while others are more comfortable in their homes.
    This can affect the intensity one feel in a session.

    Some people find the energy to be slightly milder online while others feel like it's equally powerful.

    Beginners might need one or a few more online sessions to activate than they would have in person.

  • People who are prone to mania, delusion or psychosis shouldn’t attend the sessions.

    As this process will expand your capacity to feel you will have to be able to handle the emotional process in between sessions. If this is too difficult to handle on your own, we recommend you not to continue with the sessions.

    The process is considered safe, however due to the unknown nature of pregnancy, it is best that pregnant women wait until after birth to attend the sessions.

  • It’s highly recommended that you try to remain relaxed while returning to your daily life after your session.

    Consciously connect deeply with your body and consider how you might channel this new feeling.

    Connect with the natural environment, if you can, with woodland walks/runs and natural water swimming.

    Avoid heavy food, alcoholic drinks and drugs.

  • Listen to your body carefully.
    Perhaps there is a feeling to avoid certain types of food in favour of more healthy options?

    Raise your awareness of yourself and listen to the messages you are being sent.
    Is it time to give more power to inner voices you have been suppressing?

    Give yourself extra space and time for grounding - by removing shoes and socks in order to discard dissonant frequencies as often as possible.

  • LEKA is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment.

    This process is mainly for spiritual growth and deepening of consciousness.

    However, many people do report physical healings early on, after only one or a few sessions.
    But of course this is not guaranteed, nor is it the primary purpose of LEKA.

  • Yes. Many people report that LEKA helped them with their anxiety/depression.

    Just be aware of that if you're on antidepressant medication there's a possibility you'll be less sensitive to the energy.

  • Yes, I have completed Aliveness Kundalini Activation (AKA) Facilitator Training with Diana Kasperska.
    She is an experienced Kundalini Activation practitioner who was trained by Venant Wong, the founder of KAP (Kundalini Activation Process).